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Website © 2014 Ben Collins

political economic theory hopism

The biggest challenge of all is solving our inefficient, inequal, unjust, undemocratic society that makes people slave and damages earth. Hopism iimproves things for people and the planet - probably!

Hopism is political theory written by an ordinary person with ordinary aspirations for life. Hopism recognises and accepts human nature’s weaknesses and strengths and tries to build a realistic framework to create a society of low tax, high social service and low waste.

This is Hopism-Beta-Edition, republished again after a four year break due to background issues. It is still edition 1 and could do with some editing, better english, slicker graphics, some videos and many more diagrams. That will get done sometime during rainy dark November 2014, together with a discussion forum, where this rough idea can be beaten into shape and better written by contributors.

The end result is more useful work done, a happier society and more free time to enjoy your life - whilst knowing that social obligations are met.


Hopism is short and sweet

Hopism is under development, there will be bits you like and bits you dont, maybe there could be different splinter variants. The theory itself is simple and should take less than an afternoon to understand. There are around twenty texts on the webring, each less than a thousand words.

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| loanism | non-jobs | nonetarism | corruptation | crimecancer | mortgageslavery |

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The Glazers, bank puppets and frontmen for this nonetarist scam get to make money from the company, leeching out funds for themselves but mainly to pay bank interest as the team quality dwindles and ticket prices escalate. Slowly the bank loan is paid off so the bank´s noney is converted into money and the original lie with the noney is hidden forever. All the while savage interest rates are paid, again leeching real money from the noney that was lent out and never existed. In the end (unless there is a collapse like in 2009) the bank converts all its noney into money and the citizens wage and savings is devalued as their real money earnt through doing a job and producing something with a real capital value is swapped and merged with noney. The noney scam is washed clean with our real hard earned money.

This means money starts to duplicate and devalue through more and more noney continually loaned out for takeovers and buyouts. Eventually each business or Manchester United in this case, is financially milked by the bank. Officially the economy grows, but there is no extra product, no extra capital goods and no extra productivity. This result is decreased prosperity through increased money supply for the same amount of capital goods.

Loanist and Nonentarist Banks are not acting in the public good. Do we really need to lend people noney to buy things they cannot afford? At the very least this money should exist as real capital goods somewhere.

We will never know how much noney has been circulating, all we know is that there was a one trillion Euro shortfall that could not be masked in 2009. What about all the other noney that was masked? This was the tip of the iceberg and we will probably never know the truth.

Manchester United and Liverpool football clubs are now both owned by nonetarists and their noney, lent by the Royal Bank of Scotland with money they never had. That noney, linked to chains of rainbows with no pots of gold at the end was exposed as soon as property values dipped rendering the banks insolvent. With over 100 billion pounds being lent to the RBS, we have to wonder historically how many other businesses were taken over and locked into the clutches of nonetarists, paid with RBS noney and their nonetarist policies?

The parallel introduction and merging of noney with real capital based money creates the modern economic paradox. We hear about endless growth but see no benefits in our lives. We see property prices escalate out of reach of low income workers because the nonetarists are eager to lend their noney to house buyers which unnaturally inflates house prices. Our salaries feel lower and we work longer hours just to have the privelege of a warm pile of bricks to sleep in. Beware talk of endless growth. We are told in the UK that the economic zone ”the City of London” creates a huge proportion of the wealth of the UK. It rarely does this through wise investment, but prospers through loanism, nonetarism and the creation of counterfeit noney. This increase in money supply devalues our own hard earned money based on real capital goods and proper work done.

Worries over loanism are nothing new. The old Eurasian religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all forbade the loaning of money.

Loanism and nonetarism are economic frothing of real capital.

It must be stamped out in order to create base capitalism and real prosperity for people from real capitalism.

Economic frothing is not CAPITALism which is based on CAPITAL.